This summer The Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering will be hosting a Summer Research Experience for undergraduate students that is supported through an institutional award from the American Heart Association. Applications are Due March 1st!
Category: Lab News
The Comparative Medicine Institute (CMI) is an interdisciplinary research institute bridging clinical and basic research with more than 170 participating faculty in 23 departments and across 6 colleges and 4 universities. An interview with Dr. Brown and other CMI members regarding this announcement can be found here on the CMI website!
The research experience partners with NC State’s Comparative Medicine Institute (CMI), which has an extensive track record of developing technical and professional skills for undergraduates. The program engages participating undergraduates with in-depth research topics ranging from cardiovascular stem cell therapies to novel microelectronic implants. The curriculum also provides students with a broad background in areas related to cardiovascular biology and medicine, research methodology and team science. Each undergraduate participant will work directly with multiple faculty members, including potential mentors from the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Textiles and Comparative Medicine Institute, and their associated research groups.
See the link below for more information and to apply!